Takaisin 10.12.2013

Kestävän kehityksen yhteiskuntasitoumus kutsuu koko Suomen talkoisiin (englanniksi)

Gaia has worked with the Finnish Ministry of the Environment in preparing a new national Commitment to Sustainable Development, which was launched on December 3rd. The commitment enables the Finnish government and administration, along with Finnish companies, organizations, political and academic communities and individuals to make their own pledges to promote sustainable development.

Finland’s national strategy for sustainable development has been revised and a new national concept, Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development, launched. The commitment aims to promote sustainable development across the Finnish society. Everyone, from individuals and companies to the public sector, is encouraged to participate.

The commitment looks all the way to 2050 and sets goals for a prosperous Finland that grows within the boundaries of nature’s capacity. The goals set a frame for concrete action, which anyone can pledge to on the website of the Ministry of the Environment. Commitments and concrete actions will be monitored.

Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development is another milestone in making Finland a leading example on sustainable development. In addition to political commitment, there is a sense of urgency: sustainable development makes business sense.

“Sustainable business is responsible, creates more from less, and generates shared value. Cleantech and bioeconomy are the buzzwords of business today,” says Chairman of the Board Pasi Rinne from Gaia.

As a part of the revision of Finland’s national strategy for sustainable development, Gaia conducted an evaluation of the National Commission on Sustainable Development. The evaluation recommended forming a panel of experts to promote the commitment and to support the work of the commission. The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra has now taken action and formed this kind of a panel. The panel will bring a scientific perspective to politics by preparing, challenging and evaluating the political work on sustainable development.

“The panel of experts can promote and monitor the implementation of Society’s Commitment on Sustainable Development. It can also stimulate and bring new insights to the discussions of the commission and recognize growth opportunities in sustainable development”, says Senior Consultant Alina Pathan from Gaia.

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