Takaisin 23.8.2011

European Future Energy Forum 2011 -tapahtumassa paneudutaan vihreään liiketoimintaan Gaian johdolla (englanniksi)

The growing interest to reduce the use of fossil and non-renewable fuels, will open new business opportunities and drive sustainable and innovative solutions.

European Future Energy Forum (EFEF) will be held from 10 to 12 October, in Geneva, Switzerland. The event brings together business leaders, decision-makers, regulators, investors and NGOs to address the topic and explore new business potentials. Gaia will facilitate the interactive session focusing on financial success of green business models.

“We have worked with several private companies to develop new green revenue streams. The unique conference, with well-selected panelists from leading companies, will present business models that work, both in the developed world, and also in the developing countries”, says Alain Schilli, Managing Partner of Gaia.

For further information:

  • Alain Schilli, CEO, Gaia Global SA, tel +41-79-349 6361, firstname.surname@gaia.fi
  • Pasi Rinne, Chairman of the Board, Gaia Group, tel. +41-79-472 6909, firstname.surname@gaia.fi