Takaisin 5.9.2012

Kaivannaisteollisuuden tulevaisuus Suomessa (englanniksi)

Minister of Employment and the Economy, Mr. Jyri Häkämies convenes a roundtable meeting in Helsinki on 24 October to discuss the Future of Mining in Finland. CEOs from leading mining and mineral corporations, politicians, authorities and key mining stakeholders have been invited to take part.

“Finland wants to be a leading sustainable mining country in Europe. In order to achieve this goal, we need a common vision. Lately, many mining tensions have received publicity. This event will seek to explore a common understanding and vision for developing mining industry in Finland”, states Minister Häkämies.

Gaia Consulting Oy has been requested to support the organization of an open but structured discussion on the critical aspects related to mining and seek common platform for developing environmentally friendly mining sector. Gaia Consulting Oy interviews all participants and studies the interests and readiness of the stakeholders towards environmentally sustainable mining.

Gaia was chosen for the task due to its strong experience in mining sector both in Finland and internationally. In particular, Gaia has extensive experience in developing environmental management, corporate responsibility, and safety and fostering the utilization of cost-effective cleantech solutions.

For more information (in Finnish):

Gaia on 1.11.2024 fuusioitunut Swecoon


Gaia on 1.11.2024 fuusioitunut Swecoon. Osaamisemme, palvelutarjontamme ja ammattilaisemme ovat nyt osa Swecon vastuullisuuskonsultoinnin yksikköä.