Back 18.08.2022

Maria Sangder becomes Managing Director of Gaia Consulting 1.10.2022

Liiketoimintajohtaja Maria Sangder aloittaa Gaia Consulting Oy:n toimitusjohtajana 1.10.2022 toimitusjohtaja Ulla Heinosen siirtyessä Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto EK:n palvelukseen.

Maria Sangder, business director of the strategic consulting and sustainable development area and member of the management team, will become Managing Director of Gaia. Maria is an experienced strategist and developer of sustainable business, who is especially specialised in future-oriented and market-renovating strategies and their implementation.

“Now that sustainability has become a strategically decisive theme for companies, we have the opportunity to change the world and find ways to do genuinely better business. It is a huge privilege to be able to continue working on the strategic responsibility of Finnish companies together with the Gaians. Gaia has a unique thirty-year history of sustainability. Under Ulla’s leadership, we have brought sustainability to the strategic level of our customers’ business, it is good to continue on this path,” says Maria.

The current Managing Director of Gaia, Ulla Heinonen, has been elected as the head of Green Growth and a member of the management team of the new area of ​​sustainability of the Finnish Confederation of Business and Industry EK. The work Ulla has done at Gaia, continues in the future at EK for the benefit of Finnish companies and business life.

“Over the last few years, Gaia has grown and developed enormously. I am grateful to my colleagues and customers for this great journey. I know that the work for a cleaner and safer world will continue even more impressively under Maria’s leadership,” says Ulla.

Both appointments take effect on 1 October 2022.Both appointments take effect on 1 October 2022.

Additional information and interview requests:
Annika Stubbe, Head of Communications, Gaia Consulting Oy, 0401683308.