Back 02.06.2009

FINWAY event combines technology, design and respect for nature – Gaia makes the event carbon free (Press release)

A group of leading Finnish and French business and design professionals will get together in June 14th–16th in Helsinki. The aim of the FINWAY event is to create synergies and in-depth learning among the delegates in order to find ways to combine key elements of business today. With the help of Gaia’s expertise, the FINWAY event will be completely carbon free.

The call for new, sustainable and desirable business models is growing louder as the world finds itself in economic turmoil and the climate crisis is looming large. In the quest for answers, a group of French and Finnish design and business leaders decided to look for solutions together. The program of the FINWAY event will include, for example, various workshops, company presentations and keynote speeches from the Minister for the Environment Paula Lehtomäkiand top designers Mr. Ilkka Suppanen and Ms. Matali Crasset.

Sustainable aspects will be taken into account as much as possible during the FINWAY event. Gaia is supporting the event by calculating its carbon footprint and by offsetting the carbon emissions. Gaia’s calculations will take into account, for example, the emissions created through the participants’ flights and transportation within Finland and departure country to airports. In addition, Gaia’s professionals will facilitate various workshops, helping the participants to achieve their ambitious aims.

The FINWAY event is organised by Ms. Titta Riikonen-Guy, Raison Pure 100 Design Group and Institut du Design Francais in collaboration with Design Forum Finland and Greater Helsinki Promotion. The event is supported by A21 Cocktail Lounge, Design Factory, Gaia Group, the City of Helsinki, Iittala and Marimekko.

Carbon footprint is a calculation of the greenhouse gas emissions from a specific activity. Carbon offsetting is a voluntary financial investment into climate projects reducing carbon emissions.



  • Design Forum Finland / Hanna Punnonen, tel. +358-9-6220 8116,
  • Titta Riikonen-Guy, tel. +33-1559 49629,
  • Gaia Consulting / Mari Hjelt, +358-40-823 6991,

Gaia has merged to Sweco on 1st November 2024


Gaia has merged to Sweco on 1st November 2024. You can find our knowledge, services, and experts as part of Sweco’s Sustainability Consultancy unit.