Back 05.10.2009

Seminar and a new book by Julian Caldecott: The global water crisis needs solutions

Finnish know-how can play a significant role in solving the water crisis that is threatening the world, was concluded today at an international seminar in Helsinki.

The Finnish version of Julian Caldecott’s book, Water: The causes, costs and future of a global crisis, was published at the seminar. Julian Caldecott, a famous British ecologist, also spoke about the global water crisis and how it is connected to the ongoing global environmental change.

The possibilities for Finns to be a part of the solution for the global water crisis were discussed at the seminar. The new water strategy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the ways to take into account water related issues in development cooperation were analysed. Holistic solutions to water resources management or techniques to improve the efficient use of water can create Finnish success stories for the global water crisis management.

”Problems related to water and water usage are globally connected. However, these problems surface as local problems, for example when ecosystems are destructed or the availability of water decreases significantly. In Finland, we are used to thinking that we have plenty of clean water available and that drinking water is almost free. Still we have lots of water related issues, such as flood risks, the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, acidification of lakes and the destruction of biodiversity enriching swamplands. In addition, global water related problems will eventually affect even Finland”, reminds the chairman of Gaia, Pasi Rinne.

Gaia organised the Water seminar together with Helsingin Sanomat and the Finnish Water Forum. Gaia also assisted in finalising the Finnish translation of Julian Caldecott’s book. Finnish Water Forum is a network of Finnish public and private organisations, whose objective is to strengthen the activities and competitiveness of the Finnish water sector. The network was established in the beginning of 2009.


  • Juha Vanhanen, Managing Director, +358 50 564 1889,
  • Pasi Rinne, Chairman, +41 79 472 6909,